Linda Champagne: Senior Adviser

Ms. Champagne is a senior adviser to Fifth Rock Fund Development. She works with funds, the development of marketing materials, investor relations, and the distribution of marketing materials.

Outside of Fifth Rock, Ms. Champagne is Managing Director and Partner at Perkins Fund Marketing, and serves as the Chief Operating Officer, responsible for the daily operation of the firm, the creation and maintenance of manager marketing material and due diligence information. Ms Champagne works with Mr. Perkins on new business development and contracts and is also responsible for information flow / relationships with previous managers and investors.

Before joining Perkins Fund Marketing in June of 1997, Ms. Champagne spent the prior five years as a Vice President for Asset Management Services. AMS is a marketing firm that raised funds for many alternative investment managers. She was responsible for all of the administrative/financial functions of the firm including the management of their broker/dealer, creation of marketing materials, and as a client liaison with investors.

Ms. Champagne completed a degree in Music from Westminster Choir College and has developed advanced proficiency in Microsoft Office integration and desktop publishing through additional studies.

joined fifth rock in 2019

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